Tuina seminars

Seminars for therapists

Tuina (the medical massage therapy) involves specific manual therapeutic applications.



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Tuina therapy training (Diploma)

A complete training as Tuina therapist is offered by the AGTCM e.V. It includes 300 hours of 20 weekends and instructions in a teaching clinic. 

It is aimed at therapists who are already working with Chinese medicine, but also ro medical practitioners, doctors and physiotherapists who wish to start with the Tuina training in Chinese medicine.




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Topic:              Training for Tuina-Therapist 2018 (Modul I)

Location:         Training center East of the AGTCM "Shou Zhong"

                       Belzigerstr. 69/71, 12345 Berlin 

Start:              April 2018 

Duration:         Modul I is the Basic Training in 7 weekends (133 hours)

                      always fr. 17.30 to 21.30, sa. 10.00 to 18.00 

                      and su. 9.00 to 16.00 h

Dates:            27.04. - 29.04. 2018

                      01.06. - 03.06. 2018

                      29.06. - 01.07. 2018

                      31.08. - 02.09. 2018

                      28.09. - 30.09. 2018

                      23.11. - 25.11. 2018

                      14.12. - 16.12. 2018


Costs:             2200 Euro / 1760 Euro for AGTCM members

Registration and costs:



Topic:             Training to Diploma Tuina Therapists (Modul II)

Location:        Trainingscenter East of the AGTCM "Shou Zhong"

                     Belzigerstr. 69/71, 12345 Berlin

Start:             2019

Duration:        Modul II is the continued practical application study at 7 weekends and

                      instructions in a clinic (133 hours)

Costs and infos:        




[letztes Update 17.07.2019]